The main aim of this bachelor thesis was to evaluate graphical notation for the ArcGIS Diagrammer according to physics of notation. The physics of notation was developed by Daniel Moody. They evaluate visual programming and VPL components according to their perceptual properties (i.e. shape, size, color etc.).
The main result of this thesis is evaluation of the graphical notation according to all of 9 principles, which physics of notation define. The evaluation is in form of text. Some principles detected mistakes in graphical notation, and the author of this thesis made an effort to eliminate these mistakes by the proposals for changes in the graphical notation. These changes should improve the graphical notation and the notation should become cognitively efficient. These changes are in form of pictures. This part of thesis is in the chapter 4.
The Eye – Tracking method was chosen as alternative method to physics of notation. Eye – Tracking test for this thesis was built according to knowledge of respondents. Respondents were bachelor students, who learned with VPL component during the completing this thesis. They had fresh knowledge, and the test was adapted to it, and to key properties of physics of notation. Everything about the Eye – Tracking test is in chapter 5.
The conclusion (chapter 6) presents the results obtained by both methods. Some results which were obtained by physics of notation were confirmed by the Eye – Tracking method. The final result is that the physics of notation are good tool for evaluating and improving graphical notations and visual programming. The Eye – Tracking method always require knowledge and experiences of the problematics.