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CDE Joint Master

Copernicus Master in Digital Earth

The two year full-time integrated Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme aims at qualifying individuals to lead initiatives, projects and institutions translating Copernicus services into management decisions within a broader Digital Earth vision. 

Study geovisualization in Olomouc

Copernicus Master in Digital Earth is an international multi-partner Erasmus Mundus Joint Master programme. In addition to studying for the first academic year at Paris-Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) and the second year at the selected specialization partner, University of South Brittany (UBS) or Palacky University Olomouc (UPOL), students are exposed to further experiences aimed at integrating the student body across partners as well as offering opportunities to connect with worldwide regional specifics through involvement with associated partners, in the form of internships/work placements, thesis mobility, and participation in short intensive programmes.

Study Path / Specialization Tracks
One starting place for all students aims to establish a strong common denominator for the first two semesters before continuing towards a specialization track completed at one of the designated partner universities. At the time of application for admission, candidates select and prioritize at least one specialization track.

Joint Study
Student cohorts will meet each semester for joint short intensive programmes (summer schools or blended intensive programme), excursions and the Orientation Project, guaranteeing an integrated experience. Students may move to another mobility partner in the final semester. The study programme consists of a compulsory work placement/internship, at any organization or at an associated partner.

Academic Degree
This English language Master of Science programme accepts outstanding candidates towards double degrees. As a joint study programme offered by at least two higher education institutions the student receives upon successful completion of the study programme in accordance with the CDE curriculum a degree certificate from the recpective specialization track institutions and the Paris-Lodron University Salzburg.

List of courses in Olomouc

Module descriptions are outlined in the curriculum, course descriptions are available in PLUSonline, the university’s learning management system.


  • Systematic Geovisualisation
  • Advanced Methods of Geovisualisation
  • Design in Geovisualisation


  • Cognitive Cartography
  • Web Cartography


  • 3D Visualisation
  • Cartographic Project
  • Desktop Publishing in Cartography

Previous intakes / editions

From 2019 UPOL hosting students for geovisualization tracs. It began with intakes and continuing with editions in CDE 2.0