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Significant publications in the last 5 years


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Category Citation
c Pászto, V., Macků, K., & Burian, J. (2025). Geospatial Analysis of Statistical Data to Unveil Geodemographic Patterns for Smart City Governance. In Nunes Silva Carlos (Ed.), Recent Advances and Prospects in Urban E-Planning (pp. 251–282). IGI Global.
jimp Pohanková, Tereza and Pechanec, Vilém. "Estimating Bowen ratio in local environment based on satellite imagery" Open Geosciences, vol. 17, no. 1, 2025, pp. 20250774.
jimp Rypl, O., Macků, K., Pászto, V. (2024): The quality of life in Czech rural and urban spaces. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 43.
jimp Guerra‐García, A., Trněný, O., Brus, J., Renzi, J. P., Kumar, S., Bariotakis, M., ... & Smýkal, P. (2024). Genetic structure and ecological niche space of lentil's closest wild relative, Lens orientalis (Boiss.) Schmalh. Plant Biology.
jimp Fryčák T, Fürst T, Koprna R, Špíšek Z, Miřijovský J, Humplík JF (2024) Crop growth dynamics: Fast automatic analysis of LiDAR images in field-plot experiments by specialized software ALFA. PLoS ONE 19(1): e0297153.
jimp Vorlíček, M., Stewart, T., Dygrýn, J., Rubín, L., Mitáš, J., Burian, J., Duncan, S., Schipperijn, J., & Pratt, M. (2024). Where Are Czech Adolescents Active? The Patterns of Movement and Transport Behavior in Different Active Living Domains. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 1(aop), 1–9.
jimp Dobesova, Z. Evaluation of Orange data mining software and examples for lecturing machine learning tasks in geoinformatics, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2024, Wiley, USA, ISSN 1061-3773, eISSN 1099-0542,
d Popelka, S., Kominek, J., Vojtechovska, M. (2024). Exploring Geological Map Usability Through Sequence Chart Visualization. Proceedings of the 2024 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications,
Ostatní Vanicek, T., Beitlova, M., Vojtechovska, M., Popelka, S. (2024) Exploring Methods for Evaluation of Dynamic and Interactive Maps, 9th International Conference on Cartography & GIS, Nessebar, Bulgaria.
Ostatní Popelka, S., Dorusakova, J., & Vanicek, T. (2024). Sightlines of Democracy: an Eye-tracking Study on Election Map Engagement, 9th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Nessebar, Bulgaria.
jimp Koníček, J., Voženílek, V., Barvíř;, R., & Vondráková, A. (2024). Quantitative Approach for Assessing Infographics in Atlas Cartography. Geographia Cassoviensis, 18(1).
jimp Pohanková, T., Pechanec, V. (2024): Assessing the Cooling Potential of Vegetation in a Central European Rural Landscape: A Local Study. Land 2024, 13(10), 1685;
jimp Pechanec, V., Prokopová, P., Cudlín, P., Khadka, Ch., Karki, R., Jakubínský, J.(2024): Sustainable Organic Farming Crops in Nepal in Climate Change Conditions: Predictions and Preferences. Land 2024, 13(10), 1610;
jimp Rypl, O., Burian, J., Pánek, J., Brus, J. (2024): Geoparticipation as a tool for mapping calamities mosquito hotspots: A case study from Litovelské Pomoraví, Czechia. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 24(1), 100509.
d Nicol Dostálová, Petra Pátková Daňsová, Stanislav Ježek, Michaela Vojtechovska, and Čeněk Šašinka. 2024. Towards the Intervention of Dyslexia: a Complex Concept of Dyslexia Intervention System using Eye-Tracking. In Proceedings of the 2024 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 84, 1–6.
d Michaela Vojtechovska. 2024. Beyond Evaluation: Utilizing Gaze-Based Interactions for Digital Cartography. In Proceedings of the 2024 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 24, 1–3.
jimp Bittner, O., Burian, J. (2024). Modelling future urban scenarios of land suitability: a case study of Jihlava city. International Journal of Digital Earth, 17(1).
Jsc Pohanková, T.; Vyvlečka, P.; Pechanec, V. How to Measure Evapotranspiration in Landscape-Ecological Studies? Overview of Concepts and Methods. Journal of Landscape Ecology (Czech Republic), 2024, 17(3): 38-59; doi: 10.2478/jlecol-2024-0017
d Pohanková, T.; Pechanec, V. Quantifying the cooling function of urban vegetation based on image data analysis. Public Recreation and Landscape Protection - With Environment Hand in Hand!. Proceedings of the 15th Conference. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2024, pp. 244-248.; doi: 10.11118/978-80-7509-963-1-0244
d Machar,I.; Kilianová, H.; Grill, S.; Pechanec, V. Efficiency of forest natural habitats conservation in the Outer Western Carpathians (Czech republic). Public Recreation and Landscape Protection - With Environment Hand in Hand! Proceedings of the 15th Conference. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2024, pp. 69-73; doi: 10.11118/978-80-7509-963-1-0069
Ostatní Babej, J., Jakubínský, J., Němejcová, D., Kožený, P., Pechanec, V., Vyvlečka, P., Polášek, M., Straka, M., Výravský, D., Štěbová, L., Cudlín, O., Purkyt, J., Krásná, K., Procházková, V., Včeláková, R., Donoval, J. Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva - Vývoj metodiky pro monitoring a hodnocení hydromorfologických charakteristik vodních toků (HYMOS). Brno, Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, 2024. 22stran
Ostatní Jakubínský, J., Prokopová, M., Cudlín, P., Štěrbová, L., Cudlín, O., Včeláková, R., Krásná, K., Donoval, J., Samec, P., Purkyt, J., Daněk, J., Vaňo, S., Babej, J., Krajhanzl, J., Pechanec, V., Pařil, P., Polášek, M., Straka, M. (2024): Limitující faktory pro plnění ekosystémových funkcí nivy a možnosti jejich kvantifikace. Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva - Funkční niva TACR SS05010134. Brno, Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, 2024.
jimp Vaníček, T., Popelka, S. (2023) The Think-aloud Method for Evaluating the Usability of a Regional Atlas, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(3), 95,
Jsc Plánka, M., Pechanec, V. (2023): Application of the CZ-Globio Model in Beskydy Protected Landscape Area. Journal of Landscape Ecology, Vol: 16, No. 1. doi: 10.2478/jlecol-2023-0002
jimp Včeláková, R.; Prokopová, M.; Pechanec, V.; Štěrbová, L.; Cudlín, O.; Alhuseen, A.M.A.; Purkyt, J.; Cudlín, P. Assessment and Spatial Distribution of Urban Ecosystem Functions Applied in Two Czech Cities. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 5759.
jimp Vyvlečka, P.; Pechanec, V. Optical Remote Sensing in Provisioning of Ecosystem-Functions Analysis—Review. Sensors 2023, 23, 4937.
jimp Pechanec, V., Prokopová, M., Salvati, L. et al. Toward spatially polarized human pressure? A dynamic factor analysis of ecological stability and the role of territorial gradients in Czech Republic. Environ Monit Assess 195, 819 (2023).
jimp Pavlačka, D., Kaim, D., Ostafin, K., Burian, J. (2023): Changes in Spatial Discontinuity in Settlement Patterns in the Czech-Polish Border Area: A Case Study of Těšín Silesia. Papers in Regional Science, no. January: 1–23.
jimp Macků, K., Burian, J., Vodička, H. (2023): Implementation of GIS Tools in the Quality of Life Assessment of Czech Municipalities. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 12 (2).
jimp Burian, J., Barvíř, R., Pavlačka, D., Pánek, J., Chovaneček, J., Pászto, V. (2023): Geoparticipation in the Czech Municipalities: Index Based Quantitative Approach. Journal of Maps 19 (1).
jimp Pavlačka, D., Vyvlečka, P., Barvíř, R., Rypl, O., Burian, J. (2023): Influence of COVID-19 on night-time lights in Czechia. Journal of Maps, 19(1), 88.
jimp Porti Suarez, A., Popelka, S. (2023) Design Aspects for COVID-19 Dashboards – Evidence from Eye-Tracking Evaluation, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2272078
Ostatní Rypl, O., Burian, J. (2023): Agregace datových zdrojů pro tvorbu reprezentativní vrstvy distribuce obyvatelstva Olomouckého kraje. Urbanismus a územní rozvoj, 2023(5), 36–47.
jimp Chvátal, R., Slezáková, J., Popelka, S. (2023) Analysis of problem‑solving strategies for the development of geometric imagination using eye‑tracking, Education and Information Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s10639-023-12395-z
Ostatní Jakubínský, J., Babej, J., Němejcová, D., Pechanec, V., Kožený P. Vzniká nový přístup k hodnocení hydromorfologického stavu vodních útvarů v České republice. Vodní hopodářsřtví. 2023, 73(11): 25-27.
Jsc Krásná, K., Štěrbová, L., Prokopová, M., Jakubínský, J., Vyvlečka, P., Pechanec, V.: Ecological Status of Floodplains and Their Potential to Store Carbon: Case Study from Three Watersheds in the South Moravian Region, Czech Republic. Journal of ladscape ecology.2023, 16(3).
d Pechanec, V., Kilianová, H.Machar, I. (2023): THE ROAD FROM THE CITY TO THE FOREST. OR HOW FAR IS THE URBAN MAN FROM A FUNCTIONAL FOREST? In. Fialová, J. (ed.) Public Recreation and Landscape Protection - With Sense Hand in Hand? 14. Conference Proceedings: 2023, 9-11.-13. 2022. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2023, pp. 326 - 330. ISBN: 978-807509905-1
d Machar, I., Kilianová, H., Pechanec, V. (2023): BIOCULTURAL DIVERSITY: SACRAL MONUMENTS AS HABITATS FOR BIRDS In. Fialová, J. (ed.) Public Recreation and Landscape Protection - With Sense Hand in Hand? 14. Conference Proceedings: 2023, 9-11.-13. 2022. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2023, pp. 27-30. ISBN: 978-807509905-1
jimp Murgaš, F., Macků, K., Grežo, H., & Petrovič, F. (2023). The concept of quality of life and its application using the World Value Survey Wave 7: Slovak experience. GeoJournal.
jimp Kirschner, V., Macků, K., Moravec, D., & Maňas, J. (2023). Measuring the relationships between various urban green spaces and local climate zones. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 9799.
jimp Kaim, D., Helmers, D. P., Jakiel, M., Pavlačka, D., & Radeloff, V. C. (2023). The wildland-urban interface in Poland reflects legacies of historical national borders. Landscape Ecology.
jimp Kučera M., Dobešová Z. Evaluation of changes in corridor railway traffic in the Czech Republic during the pandemic year 2020, Geographia Cassoviensis, 17(1), 2023, ISSN (print) 1337-6748, ISSN (online) 2454-0005, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia,
b Ireinová, M. – Voženílek, V. – Koníček, J. et al. (2023). Atlas nářečí českého jazyka – nominativ singuláru feminin. Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. M.A.P.S.
jimp Netek, R.; Pohankova, T.; Bittner, O.; Urban, D. Geospatial Analysis in Web Browsers—Comparison Study on WebGIS Process-Based Applications. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2023, 12, 374.
jimp Vahalík, P.; Van Damme, K.; Nétek, R.; Habrová, H.; Tulková, J.; Lengálová, K.; Zejdová, L.; Avoiani, E.; Maděra, P. UAV Inventory of the Last Remaining Dragon Tree Forest on Earth. Forests 2023, 14, 766.
jimp Renzi, J. P., Garayalde, A. F., Brus, J., Pohankova, T., Smýkal, P., & Cantamutto, M. A. (2023). Environmental and agronomic determinants of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) seed yield in rainfed temperate agroecosystems. European Journal of Agronomy, 147, 126822.
jimp Brodschneider, R., Schlagbauer, J., Arakelyan, I., Ballis, A., Brus, J., Brusbardis, V., ... & Gray, A. (2023). Spatial clusters of Varroa destructor control strategies in Europe. Journal of Pest Science, 96(2), 759-783.
jimp Strejčková, B., Mazzucotelli, E., Čegan, R., Milec, Z., Brus, J., Çakır, E., ... & Šafář, J. (2023). Wild emmer wheat, the progenitor of modern bread wheat, exhibits great diversity in the VERNALIZATION1 gene. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 1106164.
jimp Sedláček, J., Lenďáková, Z., Bábek, O., Miřijovský, J., Kielar, O., & Žídek, M. (2023). A comprehensive view of sedimentation and erosion processes in small reservoirs: a case study of the Pocheň reservoir, Czech Republic. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 68(5), 685-699.
jimp Machar, I., Šimek,P., Schlossárek,M., Pechanec,V., Petrovič, F., Brus, J., Špinlerová, Z., Seják, J. Comparison of bird diversity between temperate floodplain forests and urban parks, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2022, 67, 127427.
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