Building on our successes, we look forward to 2025!
The year 2024 was academically rewarding for us.
By the end of the year, we were honored to receive the Dean’s Awards for:
– the article Analysis of problem-solving strategies for the development of geometric imagination using eye-tracking,
– the monograph Tyflomapy – Tyflomodely – Tyflopomůcky: Development of Imagination in Visually Impaired Individuals Using 3D Models with Auditory Features,
– and the publication Atlas of Czech Language Dialects – Nominative Singular of Feminine Nouns.
A significant moment was recognizing our work in using Mergin Maps to manage mosquito populations. This prominent platform chose our project as an exemplary case to demonstrate its functionality:

Thank you for being so supportive, and we wish you (and ourselves) much success in 2025!