Czech English German

The main aim of this bachelor’ thesis is a creation of an online tool for the choice of colour scales according to map styles.

This aim will be achieved by completion of partial theoretical and practical aims mentioned below.

Partial aims of the theoretical part:

  • a detailed study of literature that focuses on creation of colour scales and on map styles
  • an analysis of currently existing and freely available tools for creation of colour scales

The aim of the practical part is to create an online tool for creation of colour scales that will provide quantitative and qualitative colour scales to its users. Both types of scales will be distinguished according to style and colour. It will be possible for users to write the code of the colour in CMYK and RGB colour models.

Partial aims of the practical part:

  • a creation of quantitative and qualitative colour scales that correspond to cartographic standards and rules
  • adjusting of colour scales for people with colour vision deficiency and indication of suitable colour scales for certain types of colour vision deficiency
  • verification of colour scales with the use of questionnaire and eye-tracking technology
  • a creation of an online tool for creating colour scales

The final online tool should serve to general public and all people can freely use these colour scales that were created and tested for their own work. It all aims at the target where these colour scales will be widely used for creation of maps and hence the number of mistakes in maps will lower.