
The bachelor thesis focuses on an objective user evaluation of the Fort Science exhibition using eye-tracking glasses Tobii Pro Glasses 3. The aim of the thesis is an objective user evaluation of the attractiveness of individual exhibits with geographical themes by analysing and visualising eye movement data. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the history of the development of mobile eye-tracking and different areas of its current use are presented in the framework of expert research. The main part of the research deals with the use of mobile eye-tracking in the field of museums. The practical part of the thesis included the introduction to eye-tracking glasses and the selection of a suitable part of the exhibition and the design of an experiment for its use. By approaching visitors to the Fort Science, 36 recordings were taken and subsequently analysed. A brief and concise description of the data processing in GlassesValidator and Tobii Pro Lab is also provided. The result of this undergraduate thesis is an evaluation of the exhibit and geographic exhibits based on data analysis and visualization of eye movements. Another outcome is the possible development of methodological recommendations for the evaluation of exposures using eye-tracking.