Thesis Objectives as the prior remote sensing web application offer the opportunity produce semantic enrichment product particularly for Sentinel 2 remote sensing data, leaves space for improvement regarding levitating user experience to inferring the image map products. Therefore, this thesis aimed to improving visualization capabilities of the web application for visualizing image with considering advanced cartographic methods and user-centered approach. Through this thesis, a series of assessments under applied workflow is established in order to improving geovisualization capabilities of web application.
Concerning this matter, determining the visualization capabilities thresholds is attempted by SWOT analysis together with user evaluation assessment, both become an input to understand the Sentinel semantic image map that they pursue to. Those assessments are representing the initial communication between the and end-users to create set of tools that user-centered completely through the geovisualization tools development process.
Based on previous stage, a highlight of desirable features is produced as a graphical concept prototype including the visualization concept and the thresholds in workflow of creating image maps. During this stage, a conceptual discussion is conducted to understand the system capabilities in order to figuring out user issues based on the previous user evaluation assessment. Afterwards, a followed UI prototyping process is arranged for developing the geovisualization set of tools in practical.
All together the conceptual result of this thesis allows to draw conclusions of User-Centered geovisualization tools that needed by the current users particularly in terms of inferring the semantic enrichment image maps. The tool prototype itself as the practical result of this thesis might be a basic concept of developing visualization tool in web application in order to showcase the advance cartographic method of image map visualization.