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Geospatial Summer School 2024


Join Us for the GeoSpatial Summer School 2024!

️ When: 24—28 June, 2024
Where: Olomouc, Czechia
Theme: GIScience & Health – “G3S Health 2024”

In today’s interconnected world, understanding the relationship between geography, geoinformatics, and health is crucial. The GeoSpatial Summer School 2024 is your chance to explore this fascinating intersection and how geospatial technologies can transform healthcare, well-being, and health economics.
From pandemic mapping to health service accessibility, learn from the experts through engaging lectures, hands-on workshops, and interactive practicals. Whether you’re a student, scholar, or professional, this event offers a unique platform to share your ideas, data, and projects and to gain cutting-edge skills and knowledge in GIScience.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to network, learn, and collaborate in the beautiful city of Olomouc!

Register Now:

To UPOL students, the fee is waived!
Let’s explore the future of health through the lens of geospatial science! ️