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International School on Visualization 2025


International Spring School on Visualization: Seeing Through Lies: Mapping Trust in the Age of Misinformation 

Are you interested in visualization, cartography, and combating misinformation? Join the International Spring School on Visualization!

  • April 1–2, 2025
  • Online (Zoom)
  • Top experts from around the world

What can you expect?

Keynote speech by ICA President Georg Gartner

Lectures from leading experts from Esri, Leibniz Institute, Penn State University, and more

Interdisciplinary insights – cartography, political science, psychology, AI, eye-tracking

Practical tips on how to effectively visualize data and fight misinformation

Free registration for students of Palacký University Olomouc

Special fee for members of ČKS, ČGS, CAGI: 20 EUR

Regular registration: 70 EUR

Students can earn 3 ECTS credits!

Don’t miss this unique opportunity – register now at

Cartographic Day Olomouc 2025: The Theme of Fictional Worlds!

Cartographic Day Olomouc 2025: The Theme of Fictional Worlds!
When: February 28, 2025 | 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Where: Auditorium of the Faculty of Science, Palacký University, 17. listopadu 12
We invite all enthusiasts of cartography, geography, and geoinformatics to this traditional expert meeting, featuring a rich program of fascinating lectures, practical demonstrations, and discussions on current trends in the field.
What to expect:
Four lectures on map creation in the gaming industry and literary studies
Meetings with leading experts and creators of fictional worlds
Discussions on the influence of cartography on the perception of imaginary worlds
For more information on the program and registration, visit the official website:
We look forward to seeing you in Olomouc!

Building on our successes, we look forward to 2025!

The year 2024 was academically rewarding for us.
By the end of the year, we were honored to receive the Dean’s Awards for:
– the article Analysis of problem-solving strategies for the development of geometric imagination using eye-tracking,
– the monograph Tyflomapy – Tyflomodely – Tyflopomůcky: Development of Imagination in Visually Impaired Individuals Using 3D Models with Auditory Features,
– and the publication Atlas of Czech Language Dialects – Nominative Singular of Feminine Nouns.
A significant moment was recognizing our work in using Mergin Maps to manage mosquito populations. This prominent platform chose our project as an exemplary case to demonstrate its functionality:
Thank you for being so supportive, and we wish you (and ourselves) much success in 2025!

New Ph.D. graduate


This week, Michal Kučera successfully defended his dissertation titled Evaluation of External Influences on Railway Transport Using Geoinformatics Methods and earned his Ph.D.! Congratulations on achieving this milestone, and best wishes for much success in your future career!

GISday 2024


On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, our department traditionally joined the global GISday event. As part of the traditional morning-afternoon program, we welcomed high school students. If you are interested in coming next year, we will be happy to welcome you too, more information here.

A novelty this year was the early evening part dedicated to graduates, colleagues and the public, combined with a tour of the department. Current events at the department were presented by Assoc. Prof. Burian, and representatives of the Olomouc Region (Mgr. Dagmar Valchařová), the Olomouc City Hall (Mgr. Miloslav Dvořák) and the Olomouc Region Fire Rescue Service (Mgr. Josef Koláček) outlined their experiences and ties to the department. Thank you all for participating, and thanks to Patricia Dominiková for the photos.


New papers from our production

 We are proud to announce two new publications by our department staff in prestigious international journals:
Scenarios of Future Urban Development for the City of Jihlava
Published in the International Journal of Digital Earth, this study enhances the Urban Planner model, enabling current state assessments and future projections for 5- and 10-year horizons. It offers valuable tools for urban planning in housing, production, and logistics.
Geoparticipation in Mapping Mosquito Outbreak Hotspots
Published in Environmental and Sustainability Indicators (Q1), this research maps active mosquito zones and identifies risk areas in Litovelské Pomoraví, supporting biodiversity conservation and outbreak management.
Both studies demonstrate our department’s interdisciplinary approach, combining geoinformatics with practicalsolutions.

OLOphoto 2024


A traditional photo shoot of graduates of our department, who work in various spheres within the GIS community in the Czech Republic as well as abroad, took place within the GIS Esri 2024 conference.

Henry Johns Award 2023 goes to department


The Henry Johns Award for 2023, presented annually by the British Cartographic Society in collaboration with Lovell Johns for the most significant article published in The Cartographic Journal, has been awarded this year to a team of authors led by Dr. Markéta Beitlová.

The editorial board of The Cartographic Journal selected the winning article, “Verification of Cartographic Communication Models Using Detection of Map Reading Strategies Based on Eye Movement Recording,” authored by Markéta Beitlová, Stanislav Popelka, Martin Konopka, and Karel Macků, from over twenty nominated submissions.

This article was recognized for its significant empirical findings, which contribute to a better understanding of the map-reading process and encourage a revision of theoretical frameworks in cartographic communication.

The award also includes a monetary prize, which the team has decided to donate to the SOS Floods Czech Republic campaign, organized by the non-governmental nonprofit organization People in Need.

The authors would like to extend their thanks to all the former students who participated in the experiment and provided their maps as stimuli for the study.