Mgr. Stanislav Grill
PhD student
Phone: +420 389 032 335
Email: sgrill@prf.jcu.cz
Office number: XX
Consulting hours: arrangement via email
Environmental geoinformatics, spatial analysis in GIS
External doctoral student
Current home office: University of South Bohemia in CEské Budejovice, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Ecosystem Biology
- Mgr studium: Charles university in Prague, Faculty of Science (téma DP: Algorithmic background of the Basic Map of the Czech Republic)
- Erasmus (6 měsíců): ITC Enschede (University of Twente)
2010 – present, University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Science, Department of Ecosystem Biology
Participation in projects:
- GAČR P504/12/1218 “Influence of natural decay of mountain spruce stands on microclimate, chemistry and biodiversity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems”
- BarkBeedet – Early indentification of trees infested by spruce bark beetle using drones (INTEREG – Together with TH Degendrof)
- Rescue programme for the protection of the Eurasian Tit – ATHENE (together with AOPK)
Participation in projects of the Department (KBE) in cooperation with NP Šumava (mapping, GIS)
Basic subjects for students at the Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice
- GIS I. (basic GIS course across the faculty)
- GIS II for teachers (follow-up GIS course – spatial analysis, modelling)
- GIS II (follow-up GIS course – spatial analysis, modelling)
- Geoinformatics and Cartography (GIS basics + mapping outputs for sudent teachers)
- Practical exercises in Geography 1 (seminar primarily for teacher combinations – spatial data, different tools and possibilities of use in education)
- Practical exercises in Geography 2 (seminar primarily for teacher combinations – spatial data, different tools and possibilities for use in education)
Proceedings (D)
Year Citation 2024 Machar,I.; Kilianová, H.; Grill, S.; Pechanec, V. Efficiency of forest natural habitats conservation in the Outer Western Carpathians (Czech republic). Public Recreation and Landscape Protection - With Environment Hand in Hand! Proceedings of the 15th Conference. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2024, pp. 69-73; doi: 10.11118/978-80-7509-963-1-0069 -
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