RNDr. Stanislav Popelka, Ph.D.
Researcher, Head of eye-tracking laboratory
Phone: +420 585 63 4525
Email: stanislav.popelka@upol.cz
Office number: 2.23
Consulting hours:
ORCID | Web of Science | ResearchGate | ResearcherID | GoogleScholar
Scientific focus:Eye-tracking, cognitive cartography, 3D modelling
2018, RNDr., Palacký University Olomouc
topic of rigorous thesis: Eye-tracking (not only) in cognitive cartography2010 – 2015, Ph.D., Palacký University Olomouc
Topic of dissertation thesis: Evaluation of 3D visualization in GIS using eye-tracking2008 – 2010, M.Sc., Palacký University Olomouc
Topic of master thesis: Visibility analyses and their visualization2005 – 2008, B.Sc., Palacký University Olomouc
Topic of bachelor thesis: Google and ArcGIS, new possibilities in 3D visualizationInternational internships:
2024 – Valencia, Spain
2023 – Enschede, Netherlands
2022 – Villach, Austria
2019 – Bratislava, Slovakia
2019 – Gavle, Sweden
2018 – Salzburg, Austria
2017 – Turku, Finland
2016 – Krakow, Poland
2016 – Bochum, Germany
2016 – NTNU, Norway
2014 – Ghent University, Belgium
2013 – Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
2013 – Lund University, Sweden
2012 – Ghent University, Belgium
2015 – present Head of eye-tracking laboratory at KGI UPOL
2012-2015 Coordinator of the key activities of the project InDOG
2011-2013 Editor (Gisportal.cz)
2008-2012 3D modeller (MOF’s s.r.o)
Cognitive Cartography (KGI/XGCC)
Web of Science (Jimp)
Year Citation 2023 Chvátal, R., Slezáková, J., Popelka, S. (2023) Analysis of problem‑solving strategies for the development of geometric imagination using eye‑tracking, Education and Information Technologies, DOI: 10.1007/s10639-023-12395-z 2023 Porti Suarez, A., Popelka, S. (2023) Design Aspects for COVID-19 Dashboards – Evidence from Eye-Tracking Evaluation, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2272078 2023 Vaníček, T., Popelka, S. (2023) The Think-aloud Method for Evaluating the Usability of a Regional Atlas, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(3), 95, https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi12030095 2022 Sultan, M. N., Popelka, S., & Strobl, J. (2022). ET2Spatial–software for georeferencing of eye movement data. Earth Science Informatics, 15(3), 2031-2049. 2022 Beitlova, M., Popelka, S., Konopka, M., Macku, K. (2022) Verification of cartographic communication models using detection of map reading strategies based on eye movement recording, Cartographic Journal, doi:10.1080/00087041.2022.2150362 2022 Popelka, S., Burian, J., Beitlova M. (2022) Swipe versus multiple view: a comprehensive analysis using eye-tracking to evaluate user interaction with web maps, Cartography and Geographic Information Science. https://doi.org/10.1080/15230406.2021.2015721 2021 Beitlova M, Popelka S, Voženílek V, Fačevicová K, Janečková BA, Matlach V. (2021) The Importance of School World Atlases According to Czech Geography Teachers. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information,10(8):504. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi10080504 2021 Šašinka, Č., Lacko, D., Čeněk, J., Popelka, S., Ugwitz, P., Ř, H.,Fabianová, M., Šašinková, A., Brančík, J., Jankovská, M., (2021) ImGo: A Novel Tool for Behavioral Impulsivity Assessment Based on Go/NoGo Tasks, Psychological Reports, August 2021 2021 Beran, D., Jedlička, K., Kumar, K., Popelka, S., Stoter, J. (2021) Third dimension in noise visualization – a design of new methods for continuous phenomenon visualization, The Cartographic Journal, 10.1080/00087041.2021.1889450 2021 Šašinka Č, Stachoň Z, Čeněk J, Šašinková A, Popelka S, et al. (2021) A comparison of the performance on extrinsic and intrinsic cartographic visualizations through correctness, response time and cognitive processing. PLOS ONE 16(4): e0250164. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0250164 2020 Skrabankova, J., Popelka, S., & Beitlova, M. (2020). Students’ ability to work with graphs in physics studies related to three typical student groups. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(2), 298-316. https://doi.org/10.33225/jbse/20.19.298 2020 Beitlova, M., Popelka, S., & Vozenilek, V. (2020). Differences in thematic map reading by students and their geography teacher. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(9), 492. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9090492 2019 Popelka, S., Herman, L., Řezník, T., Pařilová, M., Jedlicka, K., Bouchal, J., Kepka, M., Charvat, K. (2019) User Evaluation of Map-Based Visual Analytic Tools, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(8), 363; doi:10.3390/ijgi8080363 2019 Doležalová, J., Burian, J., & Popelka, S. (2019): SimUrb – software for identifying similar municipalities by comparing Urban indices using a graph algorithm. Earth Science Informatics, 16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-019-00399-8 2019 Brus, J., Kučera, M., Popelka, S. (2019): Intuitiveness of geospatial uncertainty visualizations: a user study on point symbols. Geografie, 124, 2, 163-185. 2019 Popelka, S., Vondrakova, A., & Hujnakova, P. (2019). Eye-Tracking Evaluation of Weather Web Maps ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(6), 29. doi:10.3390/ijgi8060256 2018 Popelka, S. (2018): Eye-tracking analysis of the influence of relief shading on finding labels on tourist maps. Geografie, 123, 3, 353–378. 2018 Burian, J., Popelka, S., & Beitlova, M. (2018): Evaluation of the Cartographical Quality of Urban Plans by Eye-Tracking. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2018, Vol. 7, Page 192, 7(5), 192192. https://doi.org/10.3390/IJGI7050192 2017 Opach, T., Popelka, S., Dolezalova, J., Rod, J.K. (2018) Star and polyline glyphs in a grid plot and on a map display: which perform better? Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 45(5), 400-419. doi:10.1080/15230406.2017.1364169 2017 Herman, L., Popelka, S. & Hejlova, V. (2017). Eye-tracking analysis of interactive 3D geovisualization. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 10(3):2 2016 Dolezalova, J., & Popelka, S. (2016). ScanGraph: A novel scanpath comparison method using graph cliques visualization. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 9(4), 13. doi:10.16910/jemr.9.4.5 2016 Popelka, S., Stachon, Z., Sasinka, C., & Dolezalova, J. (2016). EyeTribe Tracker Data Accuracy Evaluation and Its Interconnection with Hypothesis Software for Cartographic Purposes. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2016, 14p. doi: 10.1155/2016/9172506 2015 Ooms, K., Dupont, L., Lapon, L., & Popelka, S. (2015). Accuracy and precision of fixation locations recorded with the low-cost Eye Tribe tracker in different experimental set-ups. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 8(1), 1-24. 2013 Popelka, S., Brychtová, A.(2013): Eye-tracking Study on Different Perception of 2D and 3D Terrain Visualisation .The Cartographic Journal Vol. 50 No. 3 Maney Publishing, 240-246s.ISSN: 1743-2774 Recenzed articles (Jsc)
Year Citation 2015 Dedkova, P., & Popelka, S. (2015). Virtual 3D Restoration of an Extinct Village and its Eye-Tracking Assessment, Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 11(3&4), pp. 181-192. 2012 Stanislav Popelka, Alžběta Brychtová, Vít Voženílek(2012): Eye-tracking a jeho využití při hodnocení map .Geografický časopis Geografický ústav SAV, 71-87s.ISSN 0016-7193 Proceedings (D)
Year Citation 2024 Popelka, S., Kominek, J., Vojtechovska, M. (2024). Exploring Geological Map Usability Through Sequence Chart Visualization. Proceedings of the 2024 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 2022 Popelka, S., & Beitlova, M. (2022). Scanpath Comparison using ScanGraph for Education and Learning Purposes: Summary of previous educational studies performed with the use of ScanGraph. In 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. 2022 Popelka, S., Vondrakova, A., & Skulnikova, R. (2022). The Effect of Day and Night Mode on the Perception of Map Navigation Device. In 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. 2021 Popelka, S., Vondrakova, A., Beitlova, M., & Drahosova, S. (2021). Eye-tracking comparison of two road atlases. Advances in Cartography and GIScience of the ICA, 3. 2020 Šašinka, Č., Stachoň, Z., Šašinková, A., Ugwitz, P., Halámková, D., Čeněk, J., Juřík, V. and Popelka, S. (2020) Comparison of extrinsic and intrinsic visualization methods: explorative eyetracking data analysis, 8ICCGIS2020 2020 Stachoň, Z., Šašinka, Č., Konečný, M., Popelka, S., & Lacko, D. (2020). An eye-tracking analysis of visual search task on cartographic stimuli. 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Nessebar, Bulgaria. https://iccgis2020.cartography-gis.com/8ICCGIS-Vol1/8ICCGIS_Proceedings_Vol1_(3).pdf 2018 Popelka, S., Dolezalova, J., Beitlova, M. (2018) New Features of ScanGraph - a Tool for Revealing Participants’ Strategy from Eyemovement Data. In ETRA ’18: 2018 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, June 14–17, 2018, Warsaw, Poland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3204493.3208334 2018 Popelka, S. (2018) Eye-tracking evaluation of 3D thematic map: Extended Abstract. In ETVIS’18: 3rd Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization, June 14–17, 2018, Warsaw, Poland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3205929.3205932 2016 Dolezalova, J., & Popelka, S. (2016). Evaluation of the user strategy on 2D and 3D city maps based on novel scanpath comparison method and graph visualization. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLI-B2, 637-640. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLI-B2-637-2016 2016 Mirijovsky, J., & Popelka, S. (2016). Evaluation of color settings in aerial images with the use of eye-tracking user study. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLI-B3, 763-767. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLI-B3-763-2016 2016 Popelka, S., Dolezalova, J. (2016) Differences between 2D map and virtual globe containing point symbols – an eye-tracking study, Geoconference on Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, Vol III, pp. 175-182, doi:10.5593/sgem2016B23 2016 Burian, J., Zajíčková, L., Popelka, S., Rypka, M. (2016): Spatial aspects of movement of Olomouc and Ostrava citizens, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, www.sgem.org, SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, Book 2, Vol III, pp. 439-446, doi:10.5593/sgem2016B23 2016 Dolezalova, J., & Popelka, S. (2016). The use of simple graphs and cliques for analysis of cartographic eye-tracking data. Paper presented at the ITAT 2016, pp. 206-211. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1649 2015 Popelka, S. (2015). Decision scheme for the selection of the most appropriate method for analyses and visualization of eye-tracking data in cartographic research, International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM (2 ed., Vol. 2, pp. 803-810). 2014 Popelka, S.(2014): Optimal eye fixation detection settings for cartographic purposes .SGEM 2014 Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing Proceedings Volume I STEF92 Technology Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 8s.978-619-7105-10-0 2014 Vondrakova, A., Popelka, S.(2014): The use of eye-tracking for the evaluation of various cartographic tasks .SGEM 2014 Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing Proceedings Volume III STEF92 Technology Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 8s.978-619-7105-12-4 2014 Popelka, S., Dedkova, P.(2014): Extinct Village 3D Visualization and its Evaluation with Eye-Movement Recording .ICCSA 2014 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8579 Springer International Publishing, 10s.978-3-319-09143-3 2014 Popelka, S.(2014): The Role of Hill-Shading in Tourist Maps .Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Eye Tracking for Spatial Research (ET4S 2014) CEUR-WS, 5s.1613-0073 2014 Popelka, S., Vavra, A., Pechanec, V., Netek, R.(2014): E-learning Portal Functionality Assesment with the use of Eye-tracking Experiment .Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on e-Learning ACPI, 278s.978-1-909507-84-5 2013 Brus, J., Voženílek, V., & Popelka, S. (2013). An assessment of quantitative uncertainty visualization methods for interpolated meteorological data. In Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2013: 13th International Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, June 24-27, 2013, Proceedings, Part IV 13 (pp. 166-178). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2013 Popelka, S., Brychtová, A. , Svobodová, J., Brus, J. , Doležalová, j.(2013): Advanced visibility analyses and visibility evaluation using eye-tracking .Geoinformatics (GEOINFORMATICS), 2013 21st International Conference IEEE Xplore, 6p.s.2161-024X 2013 Stanislav Popelka, Jiri Dvorsky, Alzbeta Brychtova, Jan Hanzelka(2013): User typology based on eye-movement paths .SGEM 2013 Conference Proceedings Volume I STEF92 Technology Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 1041-1049s.978-954-91818-9-0 2012 Popelka, S., Voženílek(2012): Specifying of Requirements for Spatio-Temporal Data in Map by Eye-Tracking and Space-Time-Cube .Proceedings of International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing Singapore, 5 s.s.9780819495662 2012 Alžběta Brychtová, Stanislav Popelka, Zdena Dobešová(2012): Eye-tracking methods for investigation of cartographic principles .SGEM 2012 Conference Proceedings Volume II STEF92 Technology Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 1041-1048s.ISSN 1341-2704 2012 Alžběta Brychtová, Stanislav Popelka, Vít Voženílek(2012): The analysis of eye movement as a tool for evaluation of maps and graphical outputs from GIS .Geography and Geoinformatics: Challenges for practise and education Masarykova univerzita, 154-163s.978-80-210-5799-9 2012 Stanislav Popelka, Alžběta Brychtová(2012): The historical 3D map of lost Olomouc fortress creation .Geography and Geoinformatics: Challenges for practise and education Masarykova univerzita, 147-154s.978-80-210-5799-9 2010 Popelka, S., Voženílek, V(2010): Landscape visibility analyses and their visualisation .WebMGS 2010, Como, Italy Politecnico di Milano, 6s.1682 - 1777 Books (B)
Year Citation 2018 Popelka, S. (2018). Eye-tracking (nejen) v kognitivní kartografii - praktický průvodce tvorbou a vyhodnocením experimentu. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. 2015 Popelka (2015): Hodnocení 3D vizualizací v GIS s využitím sledování pohybu očí 2013 Dobešová, Z., Burian, J., Miřijovský, J., Vávra, A., Nétek, R., Popelka, S.(2013): Tvorba geografického informačního systému malého území . Univerzita Packého, Olomouc, 106s.ISBN 978-80-244-3825-2 Chapter in book (C)
Year Citation 2024 Popelka, S., Dorusakova, J., & Vanicek, T. (2024). Sightlines of Democracy: an Eye-tracking Study on Election Map Engagement, 9th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Nessebar, Bulgaria. 2024 Vanicek, T., Beitlova, M., Vojtechovska, M., Popelka, S. (2024) Exploring Methods for Evaluation of Dynamic and Interactive Maps, 9th International Conference on Cartography & GIS, Nessebar, Bulgaria. 2021 Beitlova, M. and Popelka, S.: Revealing map reading strategies of physical geographic maps, Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 3, 28, https://doi.org/10.5194/ica-abs-3-28-2021, 2021. 2021 Beitlová, M., Popelka, S., Macků, K., and Konopka, M.: Do authors look at their maps in different way than common readers? An eye-tracking study, Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 3, 29, https://doi.org/10.5194/ica-abs-3-29-2021, 2021. 2021 Popelka, S., Vondrakova, A., Beitlova, M., and Drahosova, S.: Eye-tracking comparison of two road atlases, Adv. Cartogr. GIScience Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 3, 12, https://doi.org/10.5194/ica-adv-3-12-2021, 2021. 2021 Dudková, V., Kováčik, P., Miřijovský, J., Popelka, S. (2020) Výzkum hradu Chlum u Bílavska v letech 2018–2020, Pravěk, NŘ 28, 175-192 2020 Popelka, S., Skrabankova, J., Beitlova, M. (2020) Eye-tracking testing of learners work with graphs in Physics, SIG 27 Conference 2020 Popelka, S., & Komínek, J. (2020). Visual Inspection of Geological Maps: an eye-tracking Study. Abstracts of the ICA, 2, 22. 2020 Beitlova, M., Popelka, S., & Vozenilek, V. (2020). Student’s Reading of Thematic Maps from Czech School World Atlas-an Eye-tracking Study. Abstracts of the ICA, 2, 26. 2020 Popelka, S., Koci, P., Skrabankova, J. (2020) Combining a pen tablet and eye-tracking to analyse calculations procedure in Physics, SIG 27 Conference 2020 2020 Beitlova, M., Popelka, S. (2020) School atlas eye-tracking experiment - comparison of students and their teacher, SIG 27 Conference 2017 Popelka, S., Dolezalova, J., Beitlova, M. (2018) Extended possibilities of ScanGraph – a tool for revealing respondents’ strategy from eye-movement data, ET4S Eye Tracking for Spatial Research, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000222256) 2017 Popelka, S., Dolezalova, J. (2017) Scanpath comparison with the use of web applications SMI2OGAMA and ScanGraph, Eye-movements in Programming: Spring Academy 2017, TR-B-17-02, Freie Universität Berlin 2016 Doležalová, Popelka (2016) Hledání podobností ve strategii čtení 3D map, Sborník abstraktů příspěvků, ISAF & Geomatics in projects & Plan4All conference, Tribun EU, 1 s, ISBN: 978-80-263-1103-4 2016 Popelka, S., Herman, L. (2016) Eye-tracking analýza interaktivních 3D modelů, Sborník abstraktů příspěvků, ISAF & Geomatics in projects & Plan4All conference, Tribun EU, 1 s, ISBN: 978-80-263-1103-4 2016 Popelka, S., Burian, J. (2016) Hodnocení územních plánů pomocí eye-trackingu, Sborník abstraktů z konference GIS v plánování měst a regionů, Vysoká škola regionálního rozvoje, ISBN 978-80-87174-56-2 2015 Vliv stínovaní na percepci turistických map (Příspěvek na 21. kartografické konferenci) 2015 Hejlová, V., Popelka, S. (2015): Využití eye-trackingu v bezdrátových senzorových sítích. Sborník abstraktů příspěvků ze semináře Geomatika v projektech 2015 Tribun EU, 2s. 978-80-263-0988-8 2015 Popelka, S. (2015): Eye-tracking hodnocení tematických 3D map .Sborník abstraktů příspěvků ze semináře Geomatika v projektech 2015 Tribun EU, 2s. 978-80-263-0988-8 2015 Hejlová, V., Popelka, S.(2015): Využití eye-trackingu v bezdrátových senzorových sítích .Sborník abstraktů příspěvků ze semináře Geomatika v projektech 2015 Tribun EU, 2s. 978-80-263-0988-8 2015 Popelka, S.(2015): Eye-tracking hodnocení tematických 3D map .Sborník abstraktů příspěvků ze semináře Geomatika v projektech 2015 Tribun EU, 2s.978-80-263-0988-8 2014 Popelka, S., Voženílek, V. (Eds.)(2014): Third InDOG Doctoral Conference - Proceedings . Vydavatelství UP, 83s.978-80-244-4234-1 2014 Popelka, S., Vávra, A., Brychtová, A.(2014): Eye-tracking hodnocení fenologických map .Aktivity v kartografii - zborník referátov Kartografická společnost SR, 9s.978-80-89060-23-8 2014 Dědková, P., Popelka, S.(2014): 3D model zaniklé obce Čistá a jeho hodnocení metodou eye-trackingu .Sborník abstraktů příspěvků ze semináře Geomatika v projektech 2014 Tribun EU, s. r. o.,, 20-21s. 2013 Popelka, S., Voženílek, V. (Eds.)(2014): Second InDOG Doctoral Conference - Proceedings. Vydavatelství UP, 80p. 978-80-244-3735-4 2013 Brus, J., Burian, J., Popelka, S.(2013): Visualization of uncertainty in determining the rate of suburbanizati on the example of the Olomouc city .Proceedings of the 12 th SEASC: Geospatial Cooperation Towards a Sustainable Future ASEAN FLAG, 6s. 2013 Popelka, S., Brus, J., Dědková, P. (2013): 3D Visualization of Extinct Village and its Evaluation using Eye-tracking .Proceedings of the 12 th SEASC: Geospatial Cooperation Towards a Sustainable Future ASEAN FLAG, 6s. 2013 Popelka, S., Brychtová, A.(2013): Eye-tracking experiment on 3D thematic maps .AGILE 2013 Workshop - Analysing eye-tracking data in real, virtual and mixed environments Leuven University, 2s. 2012 Stanislav Popelka(2012): Space-Time-Cube for Visualization of Eye-tracking data .First InDOG doctoral conference Vydavatelství UP, 4s.978-80-244-3260-1 2012 Popelka, S., Brychtová, A., Brus, J.(2012): Evaluation of user preferences during reading of 2D and 3D cartographic visualizations .Conference Proceedings SWAET 2012, The Scandinavian Workshop on Applied Eye Tracking Karolinska Instituet, Stockholm, 56s. 2012 Brychtová, A., Popelka, S.(2012): Eye-tracking v kartografii .Aktivity v kartografii Kartografická spoločnosť Slovenskej republiky, 20-28s.ISBN: 978-80-89060-21-4 2012 Brus, J., Popelka, S., Brychtova, A., Svobodova, J.(2012): Exploring Effectiveness of Uncertainty Visualization Methods by Eye-Tracking .Symposium proceedings Accuracy 2012, 10th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental ScienceFlorianópolis, SC, Brazil, 215-220s. 2012 Popelka, S., Voženílek, V. (Eds.)(2012): First InDOG Doctoral Conference - Proceedings, Vydavatelství UP, 80p., 978-80-244-3260-1 2011 Brychtová, A., Popelka, S.(2011): Visualization of spatio-temporal changes of the Olomouc city . In Proceedings of 6th international workshop Digital approaches to Cartographic heritage ICC, Haag, Netherlands, 18s. 2011 Brychtová, A., Popeka, S.(2011): Kartometrická analýza raportního plánu Tereziánské pevnosti Olomouc .In Zborník recenzovaných príspevkov Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava, 6s.ISBN 978-80-223-3013-8 2011 Popelka S, (2011): Visibility analyses and their visualization .Proceedings Symposium GIS Ostrava VSB TU Ostrava, 10s.978-80-248-2366-9 2011 Popelka, S., Brychtová, A.(2011): Olomouc - Possibilities of geovisualiation of the historical city .Geoinformatics FCE CTU, Volume 6 Geoinformatics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, 267 - 274s.ISSN 1802-2669 2011 Popelka, S., Brychtová, A.(2011): Metody virtuální rekonstrukce zaniklé pevnosti Olomouc .Historická geografie 37/2 Historický ústav AVČR, Praha, 213-230s.ISSN 0323-0988 2008 Popelka, S(2008): Google a ArcGIS, nové možnosti v 3D vizualizaci .Sborník 17 referátů z konference „Modelovanie a vizualizácia priestorových dat“ Bratislava, 1s.978-80-227-2988-8 -
Year Category Name 2022 Nmap Map of endangered immovable archaeological monuments 2021 Nmap Map of the development of the historical landscape on the border of Silesia and Moravia 2020 Nmap Predictive archaeological map 2019 Nmap Heuristic map of archaeological sites