Mgr. Vít Pászto, Ph.D.
Assistant professor
Phone: +420 585 63 4541
Email: vit.paszto@upol.cz
Office number: 2.37
Consulting hours: on demand
ORCID | Web of Science | ResearchGate | GoogleScholar
Scientific focus:Geoinformatics in human geography, modelling in GIS (rural geography, geohealth), spatial statistics, geoscience education
2015: PhD in Geoinformatics and Cartography, Palacký University Olomouc
2009: MSc (with honours) in Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc
2007: BSc in Geography and Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc
Scientific stays (selection):
03/2010 – University of West Hungary, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
09/2011 – University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
07-08/2012 – University of West Hungary, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
08-09/2012 – Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
11/2012 – Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway
01-02/2013 – University College London, London, United Kingdom
06/2014 – University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
01-02/2015 – University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
05/2015 -University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland
04/2017 – University of Turku, Turku, Finland
11/2019 – University of Turku, Turku, Finland
10/2023 – Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany
2016-2024 – multiple scientific stays within Erasmus+ KA2 (Utrecht, Netherlands; Trondheim, Norway; Turku, Finland; Maribor, Slovenia; Valletta/Gozo, Malta; Bochum, Germany; Vienna, Austria) -
2015 – present: Assistant Professor of Geoinformatics, Dept. of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc
2012 – 2015: Junior Researcher – Dept. of Geoinformatics, Palacký University Olomouc
2015 – 2022: Assistant Professor, Moravian Business College Olomouc
Czech Association for Geoinformation
Czech Geographical Society
Czech Cartographic Society
Teaching courses in Czech
KGI/GINFO Geoinformatika (Geinformatics)
KGI/ANGIS Analýzy v GIS (Analyses in GIS)
KGI/INUZ Informační systémy o území (Land information systems)
KGI/GEHUG Geoinformatika v humánní geografii (Geoinformatics in human geography)
KGI/GEOPR Geografický projekt (Geographical project)
KGI/GURBA Geoinformatika v urbánních aplikacích (Geoinformatics in urban applications; “guest” lectures)
Teaching courses in English
KGI/G3SEN GeoSpatial Summer School
KGI/GI Geoinformatics
KGI/GINEW New issues of geosciences
Previous teaching courses (Czech&English)
KGI/DGGEO DigiGeo, KGI/SPTNM Spationomy, KGI/FYGE1 Fyzická geografie 1 (Physical Geography 1), KGI/SEGE2 Socioekonomická geografie 2 (Socio-economic Geography 2), PRF/EUGEO Impact of Eur. Union Policies on GeoSc.. KGI/MODEL Modelování v GIS (Modelling in GIS)
Diploma theses supervision
Supervised and defended qualification theses (Bachelor, Master) as of 2023: 34
Web of Science (Jimp)
Recenzed articles (Jsc)
Year Citation 2017 Pánek, J., & Pászto, V. (2017). Emotional mapping in local neighbourhood planning: case study of Příbram, Czech Republic. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 6(1), 1-22, DOI: 10.4018/IJEPR.2017010101 2017 Vaculík, M., Pászto, V., & Švarcová, B. (2017). Spatial distribution of innovation activities in the Czech Republic in 2010-2012, Journal of International Studies, 10(1), 123-134, DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2017/10-1/8 2017 Meixnerová, L., Menšík, M. & Pászto, V. (2017). Economic analysis and spatial arrangements of engineering SMEs performance in Olomouc region of Czech Republic, Journal of International Studies, 10 (1), 135-145, DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2017/10-1/9 2013 Netzband, M., Burian, J., Pászto, V., Miřijovský, V.(2013): Geospatial analysis for Middle eastern european urban regions in transition . Spatial transformation processes in Central Europe in XXI century conference proceedings, 8s. Proceedings (D)
Year Citation 2017 Pánek, J., & Pászto, V. (2017, July). Crowdsourcing Mapping and Participatory Planning Support System: Case Study of Brno, Czechia. In Advances in Cartography and GIScience: International Cartographic Conference (pp. 61-73). Springer, Cham. 2017 Pánek, J., Pászto, V., Marek, L. (2017). Mapping emotions: spatial distribution of safety perception in the city of Olomouc, The Rise of Big Spatial Data, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, 211-224. 2017 Paszto, V., Burian, J., Panek, J. and K. Macku (2017). Mapping the economic data – case studies and best practices. Conference Proceedings SGEM 2017, 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017, pages 975-982, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2017/21/S07.123 2016 Burian, J., Pászto, V., Havlová, P. (2016): Delimiting the central areas of the cities by using GIS methods, 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, www.sgem.org, SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, Book 2, Vol I, pp. 633-640, doi:10.5593/sgem2016B23 2016 Brychtová, A., Çöltekin, A., & Pászto, V. (2016). Do the Visual Complexity Algorithms Match the Generalization Process in Geographical Displays? ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 375-378. 2014 Burian, J., Pászto, V., Langrová, B. (2014): Possibilities of the delimitation of city boundaries in GIS – Case study of medium-sized city .Conference Proceedings SGEM 2014, 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference STEF92 Technology Ltd., 8s. 2013 Burian, J., Marek, L., Pászto, V., Tučková, M., Tuček, P., Zajíčková, L., Chrudimská, J. (2013): Quantification of threat of selected natural hazards to transport infrastructure: Case study of the Zlin region . SGEM 2013 Conference Proceedings Sofia, Bulgaria, 8s. 2010 Vít Pászto, Pavel Tuček, Lukáš Marek, Lenka Kuprová and Jaroslav Burian(2010): Statistical inferences − visualization possibilities and fuzzy approach computing .Advances in Geoinformation Technologies 2010VSB-TU Ostrava, 10s. Books (B)
Chapter in book (C)
Year Citation 2021 Burian, J., Pászto, V., Macků, K., & Pavlík, L. (2021): Využití personalizovaných dat Google Location pro analýzu změn chování v průběhu pandemie COVID-19. EMI, 13(2), 1717. 2020 Nétek, R., Burian, J., Pászto, V., Barvíř, R., Bilík, P., Jendřejková, M., Šobáňová, P., Petráková, M. (2020): Fenomén brain drain města Olomouce - Odliv lidského kapitálu z Olomouce do českých obcí v letech 2001-2020. 2017 DOBEŠOVÁ, Z., PÁSZTO, V. and K. MACKŮ (2017). Analysis of similarities in context of enterprise inovations. In: SLAVÍČKOVÁ, Pavla. Knowledge for Market Use: People in Economics - Decision, Behavior and Normative Models.. Olomouc, ISBN 978-80-244-5233-3. 2013 Brychtová, A., Pászto, V., Marek, L., Pánek, J.(2013): Web design evaluation of the Crisis Map of the Czech Republic using eye-tracking .SGEM 2013 Conference Proceedings Volume I STEF92 Technology Ltd., 1065-1072s.ISSN 1341-2704 2012 MAREK, L., PÁSZTO, V., TUČEK, P. (2012): Spatial analyses of epidemiological data: Case study in Olomouc Region .SGEM 2012 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConfrenceConference, Proceedings Volume II, STEF92 Technology Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 8s.ISSN 1341-2704, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2012 2012 PÁSZTO, V., MAREK, L., SEDONÍK, J. (2012): Fuzzy approach of rural and urban areas delimitation modeling in GIS .SGEM 2012, 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConfrenceConference, Proceedings Volume II, STEF92 Technology Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 8s.ISSN 1341-2704, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2012 2011 Burian, J., Cahová, D., Harman, R., Marek, L., Mrázová, J., Pászto, V., Tučková, M., Tuček, P.(2011): Sborník příspěvků letní školy GEOCOMPUTATION IN GIS. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 72s.ISBN: 978-80-244-2982-3 2009 PÁSZTO, V., TUČEK, P(2009): Informační zisk a entropie v kartografické tvorbě . Kartografické listy, 10s. 2009 PÁSZTO, V., TUČEK, P., VOŽENÍLEK, V(2009): On Spatial Entropy in Geographical Data . Sborník příspěvků 16. Konference GIS OSTRAVA, 10s. -