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Potential of the Czech Republic's floodplains for the fulfilment of selected ecosystem functions

The quality of the performance of individual ecosystem functions and the provision of ecosystem services (EFS) by floodplains was evaluated at the nationwide level (for all defined floodplains of the main watercourses), which made it possible to create a set of specialized thematic maps with professional content. The maps represent a cartographic visualization of unique data sets created by the research team during the implementation of the “Functional Floodplain” project. The spatial distribution of values ​​of a total of 6 analyzed EFS quality indicators is shown, as well as the resulting values ​​of the ecostabilization function of floodplains, created by the synthesis of partial indicator values. Since most EFS are evaluated using specific indicators in high resolution (1: 10,000), it was not technically possible to create a single analog map covering the entire Czech Republic. For this reason, a set of map sheets was created, divided by regions of the Czech Republic. The map file contains a total of 91 map sheets (6+1 EFS visualized for 13 regions), with each map generated in PDF format (the size of individual maps ranges between 20–50 MB). Each map displays, in addition to its own thematic content (distribution of individual EFS values) in defined floodplains, also the borders of the respective region and the borders of municipalities with extended jurisdiction.