Development of land use in the Litovelské Pomoraví Protected Landscape Area between 1936 and 2001
Project:Staff involved
Pechanec V., Benc A., Borek J., Machar I. (2013). Development of land use in the Litovelské Pomoraví Protected Landscape Area between 1936 and 2001.
The map work documents the development of land use in the subject area in four historical periods from 1936 to 2001. The individual maps are supplemented by a unified legend and a summary table documenting the decrease or increase of the total area in the area according to selected land use categories. All the sub-maps are cartographically appropriate. The mapping work has been produced as part of interdisciplinary research and appropriate processing procedures have been used. The map work can be used especially for the staff of the administration of the Litovelské Pomoraví Protected Landscape Area. The results of land use changes can also serve as a source for possible reconstruction of the near-nature condition in the area of interest. Thanks to their high narrative value, the maps have a wide range of applications for state and local government authorities, and possibly also for public relations. The map was created on the basis of existing analogue aerial surveying images, their subsequent digitisation, orthogonalization and manual classification into appropriate land use categories.