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Collecting and analysing data for the post-27 INTERREG (Core-IB)

This European Research Project (ERP) is organised within the framework of the ESPON Thematic Action Plan (TAP): Living, working and travelling across borders. The aim is to provide evidence-based analyses that contribute to the definition and the future orien-tation of the next generation of INTERREG post-2027. It addresses a multitude of stakeholders across the multi-level governance system, including the member states and the European Commission.

The project will provide evidence on:
− The key geographical and economic characteristics and the development of cross-border regions, their level of interactions and their interdependencies across various thematic dimensions.
− The strengths and potentials to build on, in order to create a more harmonious development of the cross-border territories.
− The needs of cross-border populations to enhance the provision of public services and  improve the quality of life.
− The results of recent interventions, obstacles to cross-border cooperation, and potentials for future INTERREG programmes.

The envisaged outputs are:
− The core set of territorial indicators collected from existing sources at relevant territorial scale.
− A comprehensive / integrated knowledge database derived from existing sources covering all 48 cross-border areas.
− 48 cross-border profiles integrating data/knowledge and related (quantitative and qualitative) analysis.
− Data and interactive maps and graphs resulting from the research and provided in the format compatible with the environment of the ESPON Portal.