The floodplain environment represents a unique ecosystem whose existence is conditioned by the presence of watercourses and is valued in particular for the wide range of functions and associated services provided under optimal conditions for human society. Floodplain ecosystems should be used in such a way that their spontaneous regeneration is not impaired and their eco-stabilising function is not compromised or weakened. Activities that typically disturb or degrade floodplain ecosystems include, for example, development, land development, land conversion and intensification of land use, land drainage, inappropriate alteration of watercourses and reservoirs, and mineral extraction.
Our research focuses on the identification and assessment of the basic ecosystem functions fulfilled by floodplain ecosystems and on the development of a methodological approach to determine the extent of floodplain disturbance under current conditions. Part of the research involves the determination of threshold values for selected important floodplain functions, the exceedance of which may impair the quality of the performance of these functions and the subsequent provision of ecosystem services.