
Hodnocení vlivu preferencí uživatelů a vybraných doporučení k písmu a popisu v mapách

This diploma thesis is focusing on the evaluation of the impact of user preferences and selected recommendations on description and font on maps. The theoretical part of the thesis includes a state-of-art analysis of survey and evaluation of user preferences and definition of selected recommendations to the examined parameters of font and description. Based on the acquired knowledge in the theoretical part, the font and description parameters, used in the testing in the practical part, were selected. Concurrently, the focus of testing on web maps was explained. A questionnaire survey was created to detect map users’ preferences. The following eye-tracking experiment was focused on comparison of user's usage of a map that corresponds to their preferences and a map that is created based on scientifically acquired knowledge and recommendations. The monitored and variable parameter has always been font and description. The results of the user studies were evaluated, compared, interpreted and satisfactory conclusions were drawn. The results of the work should be useful for a progressive update of the recommendations for creating font and description on maps, especially on web maps, because most of the recommendations in cartography is still primarily focused on paper maps.