Web-map application
The web-map application was built based on the OpenLayers library. It displays the information in an interactive map of the solar radiation layer, annual solar energy generated from PV, and unsuitable building for the PV installation. The map is complemented with basic features such as pan, zoom in-out, etc. and additional functionalities for better interactivity on the client-side. The stable version of the web-map application is hosted within Apache Tomcat Server at the Department of Geoinformatics, Palacky University Olomouc. It can be accessed through this link.
All available layers are able to be accessed via web service (WMS and WMS).
Link to WMS.
Link to WMS.
CityGML result
CityGML file stores all model attributes in an XML-based document. It also contains information about the model's level of detail and the GML ID. The level of detail of the generated model is Level 1 Solid (LoD1Solid). The CityGML document can be opened using compatible software, such as FME Safe Software, Bentley Map or VC Suite. It should be noted that the feature inspector in FME Safe Software cannot visualize 3D models in the EPSG:4326 coordinate system. The model needs to be reprojected to a projected coordinate system. Therefore, the output of the CityGML model is in EPSG:31983, which is the original coordinate system derived from the original building footprint layer (SIRGAS 2000 / UTM Zone 23S). As can be seen from the visualization, the CityGML document's output is able to convey the information of solar potential in Morumbi and display it in 3D. Unlike the 2D raster and vector approaches, the 3D visualization brings closer depiction to reality. The current LoD1 Solid city model can also be further enhanced by increasing the level of detail, which will leverage the visual aspect of the model. The CityGML file can be downloaded in the GitHub repository.