
The main aim of this bachelor thesis was an evaluation of the VPL component QGIS Processing Modeler by using Principles for designing effective visual notations. These nine principles were invented by Daniel Moody.

The second main aim of this bachelor thesis was to create an eye-tracking test and testing the VPL component QGIS Processing Modeler. The next aim was to realize a search of all available libraries in QGIS which are usable for creating diagrams.

The main result of this bachelor thesis is a theoretical evaluation of the VPL component QGIS Processing Modeler using Principles for designing effective visual notations. This evaluation is in the text form. There have been discovered some lacks on visual notation. Based on these lacks there have been created a couple of changes of visual notation. The main aim of these changes is to fix the lacks that have been discovered by theoretical evaluation.

The next result is an evaluation of the VPL component QGIS Processing Modeler based on the eye-tracking testing. 21 students had participated on the eye-tracking testing. All of them have been completed training for the VPL component QGIS Processing Modeler. The main result from the eye-tracking testing is a text – form evaluation, statistics data and some visualisations of the eye-tracking data.

Autor práce

Filip Hric

Vedoucí práce

Ing. Zdena Dobešová, Ph.D.

Textová část práce (pdf)

Katedra Geoinformatiky

Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci

© Filip Hric | | Katedra Geoinformatiky | Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci