Thesis focuses on processing of an analysis of sustainable urban development in a gridded network and the aim is to focus especially on evaluation of the territorial conditions in the area. Tthe main goal was to process the calculations of individual indicators based on the bachelor thesis and the methodology used in Olomouc county. Another aims were to create appropriate visualizations of all the outputs and compare both approaches, the new one in grid cells with the commonly used in administrative units.

The theoretical part focuses on legisaltion, methodologies used on state level and especially in Olomouc county. Another part focuses on aggreagation and disaggregation possibilities of statistical data. Different approaches are summed in the theoretical part.

Based on bachelor thesis two sizes of grid were chosen – one for detailed decision making and one for orientation in the area. The indicators were either aggregated or disaggregated into these gridded structures and were weighted within the frame of three pillars – environmental, economic and social. Within the framework of total evaluation of territorial conditions, these pillars were evaluated together. The whole process of recalculation and visualization was build and automatized in the ModelBuilder environment. These tools enables another usage and they are one of the main outputs of the thesis.

The outputs of all indicators, pillar evaluations and total evaluation were visualized in the ArcGIS Pro project and the printed versions enables the comparison of used approches in grid cells and in administrative units. The pillar evaluations and total evaluation can be also compared in prepared web map application.

The comparison of two approaches was done based on the created outputs. The main output of this comparison is the inhomogeneity and distortion highlighted in administrative units. The outputs in small gridded structures represents more detailed and accurate results. The important is the main purpose and demanded detail of outputs.