Autor: Tereza Vocílková
Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Radek BARVÍŘ, Ph.D.
The bachelor thesis deals with the creation of information material, which is intended mainly for the public, explaining the issue of mosquito calamity in the area of interest of the Litovelské Pomoraví Protected Landscape Area and its immediate surroundings. The brochure has been created through maps, infographics and other elements in order to present the complex issue in an attractive and understandable way so that the user can easily understand the causes of mosquito calamities, their consequences, the interconnection of the mosquito population with the ecosystem and the implemented anti-calamity measures. The output is a 24-page printed publication that is available to readers in public places.
The theoretical part is devoted to research on mosquitoes, mosquito calamities, the creation of infographics, as well as graphic works focusing on infographics and the creation of cartographic works, and analysis of already produced expert works on the use of geoinformatics in mosquito calamity management.
The practical part includes the process of creating a specific brochure. Based on the research, the content of the brochure was determined, which was further modified according to the available datasets or data created within the project MOSPREMA. The spatial data were processed in ArcGIS Pro from Esri or, if necessary, elaborated in Microsoft Excel from Microsoft Office 365.
Graphic processing was then carried out in desktop publishing (DTP) software, specifically Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign from the Adobe Creative Cloud. Adobe Illustrator was used for the graphical representation of all maps, infographics, and additional components such as text, graphs, illustrations and photographs. Then the brochure content was analysed using the tool for measuring the graphic content of the map created by Mgr. Radek Barvíř, Ph.D.
The main result of the work is a brochure in the infographic version of the Mosquito Calamity in Litovelské Pomoraví. The digital version of this brochure is available on the bachelor thesis website together with the thesis text and poster in A2 format.