
The intention of the bachelor thesis was an efficient graphic visualization of selected parts of new Olomouc master plan, mainly the parts which haven’t been graphically visualized yet.

The Information necessary for the visualization were in the tabular and text form, therefore it had to be processed and then joined to the provided data. Data was provided by the Municipality of Olomouc and had to be modified before the visualization, especially selected and customised for the each cartographic output separately.

A selection of a theme of each thematic map was very difficult. It was selected according to the specialized literature, consultation with employees of The Municipality of Olomouc and self consideration. The themes were chosen in consideration of attractiveness of the theme and the farther usage of the outputs – thematic maps and the map poster.

Then it was requisite to choose the efficient method of visualization on the basis of consultation with employees of The Municipality of Olomouc and with a supervisor of the bachelor thesis and information in the specialized literature. Methods of area symbols, line symbols and point symbols were chosen.

After all those steps visualisation and print of the cartographic outputs took their place. There were made five thematic maps. Selected maps were used for a poster.

During the work on the practical part of the bachelor thesis showed up some problems. Data in the tabular form was in need of correction as some mistakes and typos were in the table. After the table was joined to the shapefile, it needed to be repaired by the function Repair Geometry, as it had some mistakes in it. Next problem was a title of the map. The title should contain a time determination. But new Olomouc master plan wasn’t confirmed yet so the title has to contain a statement, that it is a concept of the Olomouc master plan.

Problem was also with exporting map outputs to the PDF. It was solved with exporting to the PNG.

Final outputs will be used by the employees of the Municipality of Olomouc. Some of the thematic maps are designed just for the employees and some of them also for a public. Map outputs are in the analogue form because the employees of the municipality will use them more than for example map on the web.

Written part of the bachelor thesis includes a progress of work, methods of visualization and a valuation of the map outputs. About the bachelor thesis was also created a website.