The main aim of this thesis was to visualize the spatio-temporal evolution of gardens owned by the Palacký University, Faculty of Arts, using thematic plans and 3D Models. Furthermore, to prepare project documents that could be presented to Expert Commissions and general public.
First part of the thesis was a background research divided into two sections. First section assessed the use of 3D Models and 3D Visualizations in Geoinformatics and monitored new trends in 3D Visualizations. Second section illustrated a historical development of the gardens and neighbouring buildings that belong to the Faculty of Arts.
Wood inventory was created during phytocoenological survey according to Machovec Methodology 1982. Species composition was established (Krüssmann terminology) and following values were determined: height of the wood (Silva clino master altimeter), treetop diameter (tape), diameter and girth (Diameter tape Richter gauge) and age category. Then value of orchard and vitality were set out according to Machovec Methodology 1982. The value of orchard was rated: 1 point – most suitable wood, 2 points – high quality wood, 3 points – average quality wood, 4 points – subnormal wood and 5 points – unsatisfactory wood. The vitality was rated: 1 point – optimal vitality, 2 points – slightly reduced vitality, 3 points – moderately reduced vitality, 4 points – highly reduced vitality and 5 points – no vitality.
Thematic plan registering state of the wood in 1822 – 1830 was designed in the ArcGIS 9.3 in ArcInfo license. Historical map was georeferenced according to a few places in cadastre map. The state of the wood in 1822 – 1830 was distinct from the present, thus the map georeference was complicated. A historical state plan arose from digitization of the georeferenced historical map.
3D Model of the historical state plan was designed in Google SketchUp Program. Thematic plan of the historical state was used as a background and then put to Google SketchUp by ArcGIS plugin. The transformed plan served as a localized topography. Heights of individual objects, possible shapes, were estimated due to the fact, that there is no refference to their appearance.
Thematic plan registering state of the wood in 2010 was created from the Total Station Trimble 5503 DR Standard measuring, when data were localized by Differential Station Achtech ProMark2. The measures were adjusted by postproccessing method and data correction ČUZK CZEPOS – data RINEX. At the end, the data were converted from coordinate system WGS84 to S-JTSK by Transform program. Measured points were opened in ArcGIS program and thematic plan was designed based on field work documentation.
3D Model of the state of the wood in 2010 was made in Google SketchUp program while the same procedure as in thematic plan for historical state plan was used to convert the thematic plan. Exact heights of the objects were measured in the gardens and shapes were shaped based on photographs. The model was provided with real structures.
Thematic plan after revitalization was created from the background papers of PhDr. Žurek. These data were modified in AutoCAD 2010 software and saved in *.DWG size. Using ArcGIS software the data were digitized and the thematic plan was created.
3D Model was based on thematic plan after revitalization which was converted to Google Sketch Up by plugin. Sizes and shapes were shaped according to the background papers of PhDr. Žurek provided in *.DWG. size. Several issues were discussed personally.
A video in Pinnacle Studio program recorded on, user name: OndraGIS is the final output of all 3D Models.
The revitalization of the courtyard on Křižkovského 8 was word processed only, because this area had been eliminated from the revitalization so far.
A photo gallery was created to demonstrate the state before the revitalization, which was compiled into an integrated view by Microsoft Photosynth afterwards. Totally 23 independent projects were created and published at, user name: OndraGIS.
One of the chapter deals with comparison of free accessible software for visualization of the gardens of the Faculty of Arts. Two most frequently used programs for 3D Modelling were chosen, one where Blender shapes with graphical interface and POV-Ray using programming language. Furthermore, a program with strong support for landscape shaping – Virtual Terrain Project. At the end, Google SketchUp, that was used to create the garden models, was described. Finally, all programs were compared alltogether.
Total Station measurement results were used for a spatial analysis. Changes over time in surface types were determined - the proportion of green and non-green areas in indicated time horizons. Slope ratios and slope orientations based on digital relief model were figured out. Loamy count was the last analysis. The loamy was counted due to the wall reconstruction and loading space between the walls. For the purposes of the loamy counting two digital relief models in 1 m and 0,1 m resolution were created. The loamy was counted for two states. One state for the ultimate loamy and the other considering the state of rock outcrops. Then the differentials based on the particular grid resolution were compared. 3D Analyst extension in ArcMap aplication was used for these purposes. ArcScene aplication was used for the loamy layer visualization.
Last chapter concluded the output utility. When application of information panels was recommended, the use of spatial analysis for landscape architects and the overall contribution of this thesis to students of history and local citizens.
All objectives defined in this thesis were fulfilled and I regard it very useful whereas it has contributed to the promotion of the revitalization project.