In recent years, the creation of paper maps is being accompanied and often replaced by the creation of web maps where the emphasis is put on the options that the map may offer rather the usual representation of geographic information. Web maps can be distinguished in terms of change of content to static and dynamic. Based on the level of user activity with technological devices maps can be further divided into maps designed for “viewing only” and interactive maps. Interactive maps respond to user input and pressing of a certain key or moving the mouse pointer to the relevant locations which provides additional information. This form of map presentation may very well serve as a teaching method or publicly available educational tool. In this master thesis there have been two versions of interactive maps of Olomouc fortress using open-source JavaScript library Leaflet and jQuery created. These types of maps are called “Story telling maps”. These maps have different sign key, arrangement of control elements and graphic style. These maps were then tested using eye-tracking technology. The test consisted of interactive, static part and part with additional questions. Based on the results of the testing there was optimal map selected. Said map will be placed in Pevnost Poznani in Olomouc accessible to public community.