The main goal of the bachelor thesis was the creation of the practical manual of spatially oriented infographics. Within the work it was necessary to get acquainted with the current definitions and classifications of infographics, select freely available geographical data sets in the Czech Republic and to set patterns of spatial infographics with a manual part that will contain a description of their creation. It was necessary to subject these patterns to user testing, analyze and comment on the obtained results and organize them into a practical manual in printed and digital form.

According to the assignment, the sub-objectives were divided into two parts, namely the theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part included the study of the field of infographics and the subsequent selection of its most appropriate classification. The study within the diploma thesis Koníček (2018) contributed to this. An important step in the theoretical part was to consult and select the appropriate methods that will be used to create the final practical manual, content design and user testing.

The second, practical part included data collection and processing. After consultations with the supervisor and subsequent collection of the necessary data, 6 topics were identified, which will enter the practical manual. Furthermore, within the practical part, patterns of spatial infographics were created with manual parts to which alternatives belonged. These individual alternatives entered user testing.

Spatial data processing and visualization were done in ArcGIS Pro version 2.9.1. The data and statistics required for the creation of data visualizations and other additional infographic elements were processed mainly in MS Excel from the Microsoft Office 365 package, or in the Flourish web tool.

The most comprehensive part of the work was the creation of patterns, which was done in Adobe Illustrator CS6. Other pages of the final version of the practical manual were also created in this program.

This was followed by user testing, which was done in two phases. All samples of manual parts and spatial infographics were tested to obtain the required effective form and content of the resulting manual parts and spatial infographics. The analysis of the results was also aided by a questionnaire, which was created to find out additional information on the creation and work with the manual, as well as on its form and potential use. The practical testing itself was relatively time-consuming, however, it provided the required information and knowledge to make the resulting practical manual as user-friendly as possible.

The main result of this bachelor thesis is a manual called the Practical Manual of spatially oriented infographics, in printed and digital form. The digital version of the practical manual, together with the poster, is placed in PDF format on the created website for this bachelor thesis. The website also contains information on the objectives, methods, results and conclusion of the work and is available on the website of the Department of Geoinformatics at Palacký University in Olomouc.