
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to compare visual programming in GIS products. Among the comparator software was AutoCAD Map 3D 2012, ArcGIS 10.0, Erdas Imagine 9.3 and Idrisi 15. Elements of GIS products that enable the realization of visual programming in GIS product called VPL components. As a method for comparison are used cognitive dimension. Dimension were developed by Thomas R. G. Green and Allan F. Blackwell and assembled into a cognitive dimensions questionnaire. This questionnaire includes a total of sixteen cognitive dimensions. The dimensions of the questionnaire were empirically compiled to best captured Human – computer interaction and also the technical side VPL components. The author of this thesis questionnaire applied to the VPL components in these GIS products.

After completing the questionnaire came to the surface, the VPL components can be designed in a very different way from the developers. Components may require high expertise operator. In addition, some components are not able to zoom in and out in the working environment. The dimensions emerged and the limited possibilities of using the tools in the work environment, etc. In addition to cognitive dimensions and measurements were carried out using Eye - Tracking. The second method was to VPL components used to compare the results of both methods.

The conclusion presents the results obtained by both methods. The result is that the method of the cognitive dimension has good descriptive function and is able to design and optimize. These optimizations have resulted in zpracovánání questionnaire. Method eye tracking pointed to the fact that the work in the VPL components is required high level zkoušeností users with this type of programming.

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